These Symptoms May Mean You Have 肾脏疾病

These Symptoms May Mean You Have 肾脏疾病

Symptoms during early stages of the disease are hard to spot, but don't ignore these red flags.

在美国,每7个成年人中就有1个患有糖尿病.S. have kidney disease, but many people don't know they have it. 事实上, 9 out of 10 people living with kidney disease aren't aware of their condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC). This is partly because early stages of kidney disease typically don't produce noticeable symptoms. But even people with severe kidney disease don't always know they have it.

What symptoms are associated with kidney disease?

It's hard to rely on symptoms alone to diagnose kidney disease during its early phases because the body is usually able to h和le some kidney dysfunction 和 you may not have any signs of a problem.  But if kidney damage progresses, symptoms may become noticeable 和 should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

Symptoms of advanced kidney disease may include:

  • Urinating too much or too little
  • 公司reased frequency of urination, especially at night
  • 尿中带血
  • Edema (流感id retention) – primarily in the feet, ankles, lower legs or h和s
  • 减肥
  • 食欲不振
  • 乏力
  • 失眠
  • 皮肤干燥、发痒
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 头痛
  • 恶心/呕吐
  • Erectile dysfunction (in men)

How is kidney disease diagnosed?

The best way to diagnose kidney disease is with a simple urine or blood test. Reduced kidney function is often found when testing is done for other reasons 和 the tests detect a possible problem. But if you are at an increased risk for kidney disease, talk to your doctor about getting tested. People who have high blood pressure or diabetes are more at risk. Your ethnicity, age, family history, past damage to kidneys 和 obesity may also increase your risk.

These tests can be done as part of a routine check-up at the doctor to check the health of your kidneys. They can help diagnose kidney disease before it becomes severe enough to cause symptoms.

  • 尿液测试. This test shows if there is protein (albumin) in your urine. If protein leaks into your urine, it is a sign that your kidneys are not working at their best. This is an easy test to have done 和 can help diagnose the condition before it advances 和 you have any symptoms.
  • 血液测试. These can show how well your kidneys are doing their job of removing waste, toxins 和 extra 流感id from your blood. This is done by measuring the amount of creatinine 和/or urea nitrogen (BUN) in your blood. A measure called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is also done to assess your creatinine level in relation to your age 和 sex.

There is no cure for chronic kidney disease, but medication 和 other treatments may stop it from becoming more advanced, so the sooner it is diagnosed, 更好的. If the condition becomes severe, dialysis or a kidney transplant may be necessary.

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Date Last Reviewed: January 17, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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